High performance thumbwheel switch type digital pulse meters MP5M Series feature 14 different operation modes, capable of various measurements including speed, frequency, absolute ratio, passing time, length measurement, and more. The meters are capable of 50 kHz high-speed measurements and feature various functions. Various output options are available for application in diverse environments.
※ Select features, including additional operation modes, power supply, and reduced product depth size, have been upgraded.
※ Upgraded features may differ by model. Please refer to the specifications table for upgrade details for each model.
Upgraded Features
* New outer case design
* 3 additional operation modes: length measurement 2, addition/subtraction (independent input), addition/subtraction (phase difference input)
* Power supply: 24 VAC 50/60 Hz, 24-48 VDC (all models)
* Parameter lock now available in parameter settings
* Reduced product depth size by 32%
* 16 different operation modes:
Frequency/revolutions/speed, passing speed, cycle, passing time, time interval, time differential, absolute ratio, density, length measurement 1, length measurement 2, interval, accumulation, addition/subtraction (individual input), addition/subtraction (phase difference input)
* Various output options:
Relay single (high-limit) / relay double (high/low-limit) output + NPN open collector output
* Various functions:
Prescale function, delay monitoring function, hysteresis, auto-zero, parameter lock function
* Select NPN input (solid state/contact) or PNP input (solid state/contact)
* Display range: -19999 to 99999
* Various display units:
rpm, rps, Hz, kHz, sec, min, m, mm, mm/s, m/s, m/min, m/h, ℓ/s, ℓ/min, ℓ/h, %, counts, etc.
Shaded parts (■) are changed and added functions from previous MP5M Series.
※ Select features, including additional operation modes, power supply, and reduced product depth size, have been upgraded.
※ Upgraded features may differ by model. Please refer to the specifications table for upgrade details for each model.
Upgraded Features
* New outer case design
* 3 additional operation modes: length measurement 2, addition/subtraction (independent input), addition/subtraction (phase difference input)
* Power supply: 24 VAC 50/60 Hz, 24-48 VDC (all models)
* Parameter lock now available in parameter settings
* Reduced product depth size by 32%
* 16 different operation modes:
Frequency/revolutions/speed, passing speed, cycle, passing time, time interval, time differential, absolute ratio, density, length measurement 1, length measurement 2, interval, accumulation, addition/subtraction (individual input), addition/subtraction (phase difference input)
* Various output options:
Relay single (high-limit) / relay double (high/low-limit) output + NPN open collector output
* Various functions:
Prescale function, delay monitoring function, hysteresis, auto-zero, parameter lock function
* Select NPN input (solid state/contact) or PNP input (solid state/contact)
* Display range: -19999 to 99999
* Various display units:
rpm, rps, Hz, kHz, sec, min, m, mm, mm/s, m/s, m/min, m/h, ℓ/s, ℓ/min, ℓ/h, %, counts, etc.
Shaded parts (■) are changed and added functions from previous MP5M Series.
Pulse Meters Technical description cat eng 161205.pdf
251.64 KB
Pulse meters sel 160502.pdf
920.23 KB
Pulse Meters Product overview cat eng 161205.pdf
840.01 KB
mp5m manu en 170704 w.pdf
2.65 MB
mp5m en cat 170817 hw.pdf
1.54 MB
MP5 UL 151111.pdf
105.84 KB
MP5 CE 160411.pdf
2.36 MB
Inquiry - MP5M Series - High Performance Digital Pulse Meters (Thumbwheel Switch)